Lawyer Dr. David Slopek, LL.M.

Trademark, patent and design disputes?
That is our comfort zone!

  • Experienced: More than 10 years of consulting experience
  • Competent: More than 80 specialist publications
  • Known: From the press as experts in intellectual property


WiWo Rechtsanwalt Markenrecht     Bild Rechtsanwalt Hamburg.    

Lawyer Laura Weckwerth

There are many lawyers specializing
in competition law.
Only a few are proven experts.

  • Competent: Law firm specializing in intellectual property law
  • Outstanding: Winner of the PMN Newcomer Award 2019 as best new law firm

Best intellectual property law firm Award Germany

Lawyer Johanna Löffler

As digital natives ourselves,
we are old hands at new media.

  • Modern: We use AI tools, databases and special software for you
  • Smart: We not only find good, but smart solutions for your legal problems
    Law firm specializing in intellectual property law

    Nationwide advice and representation in the areas of
    intellectual property, competition and media

    Trademark law
    Design law
    Design law
    We advise and represent you with competence and experience in all matters of design law.
    • Design protection

    • Defense against design law warnings

    • Action against counterfeit products

    • License agreements

    Copyright law
    Copyright law
    We represent creators such as authors, designers, photographers, artists, models, musicians, producers and programmers as well as exploiters such as agencies, labels and publishers.
    Unfair competition law
    Unfair competition law
    The so-called “unfair competition law”, which is primarily regulated in the UWG, sets out the rules of the game as to how you and your competitors must behave in competition. We know the rules and the tricks.
    Media law
    Media law
    Whether traditional or new media - we support you in exploiting your rights, maintaining your reputation and other media law issues.
    Patent law
    Patent law
    As experienced litigators, we can competently assist you if your patent is infringed or if a claim is made against you for patent infringement.
    • Determination of patent infringement

    • Authorization requests

    • Warnings due to patent infringements

    • Interim injunctions

    • Patent infringement suits

    License law
    License law
    We support you if you as licensor want to license your rights to third parties or if you as licensee have questions about a license agreement.
    • License agreements for brands

    • License agreements for copyrights

    • License agreements for patents

    • License agreements for know-how

    Trademark law
    Design law
    Design law
    We advise and represent you with competence and experience in all matters of design law.
    • Design protection

    • Defense against design law warnings

    • Action against counterfeit products

    • License agreements

    Unfair competition law
    Unfair competition law
    The so-called “unfair competition law”, which is primarily regulated in the UWG, sets out the rules of the game as to how you and your competitors must behave in competition. We know the rules and the tricks.
    Patent law
    Patent law
    As experienced litigators, we can competently assist you if your patent is infringed or if a claim is made against you for patent infringement.
    • Determination of patent infringement

    • Authorization requests

    • Warnings due to patent infringements

    • Interim injunctions

    • Patent infringement suits

    Copyright law
    Copyright law
    We represent creators such as authors, designers, photographers, artists, models, musicians, producers and programmers as well as exploiters such as agencies, labels and publishers.
    Media law
    Media law
    Whether traditional or new media - we support you in exploiting your rights, maintaining your reputation and other media law issues.
    License law
    License law
    We support you if you as licensor want to license your rights to third parties or if you as licensee have questions about a license agreement.
    • License agreements for brands

    • License agreements for copyrights

    • License agreements for patents

    • License agreements for know-how

    IP expertise for Germany

    Intellectual property law firm from Hamburg, Germany

    Based in Hamburg, Germany, we advise start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises, traders and private individuals throughout Germany in the areas of intellectual property law, competition law and media law. With our many years of experience, our practical and client-oriented approach and our understanding of your economic interests, we find smart, pragmatic solutions to your legal problems.

    Contact us now

    Our fields of expertise
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      Trademark law

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      Competition law

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      Media law

    • 05

      Design law

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      Domain law

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      License law

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      Patent law

    • Overview

      With more than 4,000 trademark applications, we are one of the most active trademark law firms in Germany. We support clients in registering their trademarks and are also at their side when it comes to taking action against trademark infringements or defending against warning letters. Do you need a proven trademark specialist at your side? Then get in touch with us!

      More about trademark law

    • Overview

      We understand and represent the legal interests of creators such as authors, designers, photographers, artists, models, musicians, producers and programmers as well as users such as agencies, labels and publishers. We are at your side when it comes to securing your intellectual property in the best possible way or supporting you with our expertise when concluding industry-specific contracts.

      More about copyright

    • Overview

      Fair play is not always the order of the day in business. Competition law is a sharp sword to prevent the most diverse forms of unfair behavior, from imitation to anti-competitive advertising. We not only take active action against your competitors, but also protect you if necessary if you are wrongly held liable.

      More on competition law

      Key competencies

    • Overview

      The media landscape and thus also media law are becoming increasingly complex due to increasing digitalization. In addition to traditional media, the establishment of new media has led to numerous conflicts that can often only be resolved with the help of a lawyer. Our law firm supports companies and private individuals in the commercial exploitation of their rights, the maintenance of their reputation and other media law problems.

      More on media law

    • Overview

      In many industries, designers, inventors, creatives and retailers protect new designs with the means of design law. If you want to develop a design strategy, register your designs or enforce them against counterfeit products, we will be just as happy to help you as if you are sued for an alleged design infringement.

      More about design law

      Key competencies

    • Overview

      In an increasingly internet-driven economy, visibility is a decisive competitive advantage. The domain is therefore an asset whose value can hardly be overestimated. Even simple domains regularly cost four-digit amounts, top domains even millions. The question of who has which rights to an internet address is therefore often the core issue in a trademark dispute or contractual arrangements. We will be happy to advise you.

      More about domain law

      Key competencies

      • Domain registration
      • Trademark protection for domains
      • Domain disputes
      • Domain contracts

    • Overview

      Intellectual property is an important economic asset. In many cases, a trademark, copyright, design or business idea is not only exploited through personal use, but also through licensing to third parties who pay license fees. Here it is important to find clear and reliable regulations as to which rights are transferred, which reciprocal obligations exist and how compensation is to be regulated. We support you if you, as licensor, want to license your trademark to third parties or if you, as licensee, have questions about a license agreement.

      Our consulting services in license law

      Key competencies

      • License agreements for trademarks
      • License agreements for copyrights
      • License agreements for patents
      • License agreements for know-how

    • Overview

      The protection of intellectual property is the core competence of our law firm. And patents are the prototype of intellectual property. They give their owner a monopoly right to an invention. In the event of an actual or potential patent infringement, everything depends on the right attack or defense strategy. As experienced litigators, we can provide you with competent support if your patent is infringed or if a claim is made against you for patent infringement.

      More about patent law

      Key competencies

      • Determination of patent infringement
      • Authorization requests
      • Warning letter due to patent infringement
      • Interim injunction
      • Patent infringement suits

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    Our lawyers and attorneys

    There for you from Hamburg throughout Germany

    IP lawyer from Hamburg in Germany

    »My philosophy? I am not a philosopher, but a lawyer. My job is to enforce your interests with all available means.«

    Full profile
    Dr. David Slopek, LL.M.
    Attorney at law
    Specialist lawyer for intellectual property rights
    Full Profile
    German IP lawyer Laura Weckwerth

    »I specialize in trademark and competition law. You can expect a high level of legal expertise, an understanding of your commercial interests and solution-oriented advice from me.«

    Full profile
    Laura Weckwerth
    Attorney at law

    Our yardstick for success

    Satisfied clients

    Very good

    5.0 stars (174 ratings, as of January 2025)

    We shape IP law in Germany

    80 publications in legal journals

    • Rechtserhaltende Benutzung bei Verwendung einer Marke mit Zusätzen (GRUR-Prax 2017, 429)
    • Auch “hybride” Marken können schutzunfähig sein, Anmerkung zu EuGH, Urt. v. 11.05.2017, Az. C-421-15 P (GRUR-Prax 2017, S. 254)
    • Die Entscheidungspraxis zu Arzneimittelmarken im Jahr 2016 (PharmR 2017, S. 287-293)
    • Alter, was geht? Zulässigkeit und Grenzen von Traditionswerbung aus wettbewerbs- und markenrechtlicher Sicht (WRP 2016, S. 678-684 - with Jan Malte Wachsmuth)
    • Benutzung einer Individualmarke als Gütezeichen, Anmerkung zu OLG Düsseldorf, Urt. v. 15.12.2015, Az. I-20 U 222/14 (GRUR-Prax 2016, S. 405)
    • Strenge Anforderungen an Beweislast des Nichtigkeitsantragstellers (GRUR-Prax 2016, S. 347)
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